[TowerTalk] coax as balanced line

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sat, 02 Aug 1997 10:48:41

Granting that Steve was asking about losses in paired coax as a hardline
substitute (I think John and Pete are right on that), the discussion now
sounds general enough that the unwary could get stung by another couple of
problems.  Using balanced line built of coax in a classic ladder-line
application (with high line swr), it seems to me that the line would be
prone to breakdown due to high voltage peaks along it, and that the losses
would be astronomical due to the swr.  I was a little surprised that the
Antenna Book didn't mention this as an issue in their section on "shielded
parallel lines."

Or am I missing something?


73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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