[TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Questions

B. Blain bblain@atiradio.com
Sat, 02 Aug 1997 16:37:13 -0400

I've only worked on Rohn 25 in the past.  Today I had my first
experience with Rohn 45, and I have some questions.

Boy, it was a lot harder dealing with this stuff than 25.  The tower
legs did not line up, and many of the sections appear to have one (or
more) legs that look slightly out of line (optical illusion?).

The sections are NEW, so I would think that this is normal.  If it is,
what are the techniques for getting the sections up?

Did your legs line up when putting up your new rohn 45?  Were we sold
damaged goods?

We did get the second section on the first, but one leg was off (to the
outside) by three quarters of an inch or so.  I used a turnbuckle to
pull it in, and presto, it's up.  I would think that this makes it
harder to get the sections apart to come down though.

Any hints, kinks, tips, etc. would be helpfull, and thanks in advance.

73 de Bruce, K1BG

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