[TowerTalk] April Fool's Articles (I bet this become a whole new thread)

Lee Buller k0wa@southwind.net
Mon, 4 Aug 1997 21:07:55 -0500 (CDT)

This is really going to be a fun thread.....  

But QST use to have a lot more humor than they do now.  Remember Geeves?


The best humouous story I remember was when QST was in the small size.  I 
can't remember the year.  But the story was this....

There was this father and son ham team.  The son worked all the countries in 
the world and wanted to be the only one on the honor roll.  The Father 
devised a plan to create a country....albeit illegally.  

The Father ends up buying a helicopter, a ship, a ship load of concrete, and 
a lot of explosives.  Anyway, it was hilarious...

Anyone remember that one?

"Waxing on old memories"  <---I wonder if Scotch 88 will cover the wax?

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