[TowerTalk] Speaking of S units

Dick Flanagan dick@merlin.libelle.com
Thu, 7 Aug 1997 14:18:47 -0700

>[...] Let's save all the newbies out there from
>engaging in a lot of wasted effort by thinking for one second that an S unit
>can be equated with 6 decibels.

The newbies are already being confused because the General Class question
pool contains the One-S-Unit-Equals-Four-Times rule in lots of places.

There are lots of inconsistencies and ambiguities in this business.
Frankly, I would settle for just a little consistency.  Pick a
definition--any definition--but then stick with it.  Moving targets are
always tough.

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada
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