[TowerTalk] Speaking of S units

Pete Soper psoper@donedeal.encore.com
Thu, 07 Aug 1997 22:00:04 -0400

> I dont understand what you are griping about, Pete.  An S unit IS 6 db
> and a properly aligned radio will bear this out.  I've checked my MP and
> it's S meter is dead on.  73, Ty K3MM

I'll stand by everything I wrote. If Yeasu got religion and arranged for
the MP's S units to be 6db each, that's great but it puts that rig into a
very select group. Based on all I've seen, the statement that an S unit is
always 6 db is about as useful in this hobby as the statement that "a tank
of gas in a car is always equal to 300 miles."


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