[TowerTalk] Oh, really?

John Watson jwatson@unix.cde.com
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 09:14:10 -0400

If you are as thin skinned as you are acting, then you won't need
to be giving any QSL's or contacts from anywhere, as no one will be
calling you anyway.
     Apparently you haven't figured it out, that in the amateur radio
"community", you need to be rather thick skinned, to be able to discern
the difference between a well intended joke, and someone being critical
of you, and know when it is well intended or being malicious.
     Those that don't learn the difference's usually don't last in the
hobby, or are the ones that everyone points to as the outsiders that
most other amateurs don't associate with.
     Do what you will, either get a grip, or go find a corner to cry in.

                            DE KC4TBH

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