[TowerTalk] LMR400U plugola

00tlzivney@bsuvc.bsu.edu 00tlzivney@bsuvc.bsu.edu
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 09:31:15 -0500 (EST)

I took advantage of the LMR400U offer from Texas Towers and was very happy
to find that the LMR400U has an unadvertized feature.  It has markings
printed on the jacket every two feet indicating the length:  ie, 123456,
123458, 123460, etc!  This makes it very easy to cut several runs of coax
to the same length (for phasing lines or just to reach the antenna!).  I
don't know if all the LMR cable features this (I know some CATV stuff does)
but I do know that none of the RG213 I've ever bought has the lengths
printed on it.  

After cutting the coax to length using the markings, I used the W0UN PL259
course to put connectors on.  This reflector is great!

Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9

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