[TowerTalk] Gap Vertical, Verticals in general

CQK8DO@aol.com CQK8DO@aol.com
Sat, 9 Aug 1997 08:49:07 -0400 (EDT)

I have not seen the aforementioned article...  But, the broadcast industry
did extensive experiments in the early days, as did Sevick, and a number of
others in more recent years, including Al's excellent article in the most
recent Antenna Compendium #5, and this information is readily available... In
spite of this body of literature there seems to be some mystical quality
attributed to radials, which mystifies me... 
Consider, that a groundplane antenna is a 1/4 wave radiator over a set of
radials, which is nothing more, or less, than a vertical dipole which has had
the lower leg split lengthwise and spread out radially, and then the whole
antenna has been lowered to ground proximity (to it's detriment)... Other
than modifying ground losses immediately under the antenna, which is well
understood and well quantified in the literature, I cannot fathom how
changing the length of one side of a dipole is going to magically alter the


<I believe the next significant improvement in verticals will come
from extensive investigations into the lengths of the radials, as
an article from Communications Quarterly stated earlier.>

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