[TowerTalk] Best methnods for ground

Woods, Eric D (pb-Edwoods) edwoods@pbsac01.isp.PacBell.COM
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 08:29:00 -0700

Hey guys -

I know that bulkhead entrance structures are the way to go for lightning 
protection - I use them all of the time in our microwave sites and vhf/uhf 
locations.  Yes, be sure to bond the outside of the bulkhead to the external 
ground system, and yes, be sure to bond the inside to the structure's power 
utility ground.

But - do not use the ACEG (green wire) system in the house to make the power 
ground connection.

Run a separate conductor from the bulkhead to the power utility ground rod 
or UFER appearance outside of the shack or house.

Keep the external energy external.  Also, GFI breakers may find this double 
ACEG grounding confusing.

Anyone with other thoughts?

Eric, K6GV

My electrical power service panel is on the other side of the house, but
I will be sure to bond the electrical safety ground electrode to this
Aluminum entry panel.

Stan, WA1ECF   Cape Cod,  MA   FN41sr

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