[TowerTalk] Loading tower for 160M

Lynn D. Osterbur no9z@prairienet.org
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 19:24:09 -0500 (CDT)

I just wondered if someone out there could save me a little time while I
try and load up my tower for 160M.
The tower appears to have an swr of about 1.2 to 1 at 1.505 mhz.  It is shunt
fed with the tap at about 50 feet. The spacing for the matching line is approx
32 inches. The tower is 100 feet plus mast and yagis.  
I am wondering if I should raise the tap or lower the tap to bring the 
resonance of the tower up to 1.835 mhz.  
I am using a gamma match for shuntfeeding.   Adjusting the series tuning
capacitor is not significantly changing the resonant frequency.
Thanks for your advice.


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