[TowerTalk] unbelievable tower page !

Scott Bullock twoway@scoden.ma.ultranet.com
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 16:32:17 -0400 (EDT)

Actually, I think one of the ground crew was killed under the tower, but I
don't remember at this point.  That is an unbelievable story that any tower
person/engineer could learn something from.....  Don't do something by the
seat of your pants, and when in doubt, consult an engineer!  If an engineer
ever just didn't return my phone calls like what they did there, I would be
scanning the local telephone book to find a replacement!

BTW For all those that sent me email asking to check the url for this page,
it IS correct.



>At 12:30 PM 8/16/97 -0700, Frank T. Brady wrote:
>No one was killed UNDER the tower, but several riggers fell one thousand
>feet to their deaths when the failure occurred during erection of the
>antenna section.  What a quagmire of shirked responsibilities - VERY
>interesting web site.  Thanks Scott.
> Frank T. Brady W0ECS

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