[TowerTalk] Re: MORE on: Heat Shrink

Dick Flanagan dick@merlin.libelle.com
Sun, 17 Aug 1997 11:03:52 -0700

At 12:13 AM -0700 8/17/97, Edward W. Sleight wrote:

>Summary in case anyone else is interested.
>3M, http:www//mouser.com, Newark Electronics Catalog
>And no, I didn't know it would shrink down to 50% of its original size.

Thanks, Ed, but enough begging of the question!  :)

What is the TT concensus regarding the use of heat shrink tubing to
waterproof outdoor coax connectors/splices?

And...if that isn't enough, has anyone used the new COLD shrink tubing for
the same purpose??

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada
Visit http://www.delphi.com/electronic/

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