[TowerTalk] locating Co-ordinates

Dale Jones K5MM ddjones@nas.com
Sun, 17 Aug 1997 20:52:37 -0700 (PDT)

  W8CXO asked if anyone has "a good way to locate co-ordinates...etc"

  It would be helpful if you stated your map objective a bit more
  thoroughly.  Do you want to take some existing coordinates and mark them
  on an existing map? Or alternately, do you want to point to some location
  on an existing map and determine the precise lattitude and longitude?

  As you will note, there is considerable difference in those two
  possibilities, and your words don't describe sufficiently which one you
  are after.

  If you want to take existing coordinates...the solution KL7HF suggested
  will work.  It is just a matter of much precise 'mechanical drawing' grunt

  If you want to point to some location on an existing map...etc, then
  determine what that point's lattitude & longitude is, you would reverse
  the process above, or better yet, get a GPS and go to that location to
  read the coordinates.

  You didn't state why you wanted resolution down to 'seconds', so an
  obvious question is why do you need that kind of resolution?  What kind
  of resolution do you need in feet/inches or meters/cm??

  There is CONSIDERABLE information in the search engines on Topo maps,
  USGS info, lattitude/longitude.  I didn't see anything there after 
  messing around for 30 minutes or so that explained how to do what 
  interests you though.  Too much data to sort through.

  Good luck
  Dale  K5MM

At 10:19 PM 8/17/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a good way to locate exact co-ordinates (deg,min,sec)
>on a USGS topo map ?
>Bill W8CXO
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