[TowerTalk] Force 12 duobanders - roof mounted

Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/9A3A 9A3A@spidernet.com.cy
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:19:53 -0700

After two and a half years in Haiti (HH2AW/4V2A), I've
returned to Cyprus and will be moving to a new house in a
couple of weeks. After one month search for the "ideal ham
house" (considering family needs as well) I found a ground
floor house with some extra space around  for wire antennas
( I'll need 160-10m for CQWW SOAB). The roof is flat, with a
couple of solar panels and water container, around 15 ft
high and it's aproximately 60ft x 40ft.
My antennas will be Force 12 duobanders, 2-40/4-20 on 30ft
boom and 4-15/4-10 on 30 ft boom. The rotor is Tailtwister
T2X (20 sq ft windload).
Since this is my first semi "serious" installation ( I had
A3S before),
I would appreciate any suggestions for the installation, ie.

1. How tall roof mounted tower I should build to have 40m
beam working reasonably well
2. Is my rotor OK for this setup
3. How much should I separate duobanders
4. Any ideas about possible mechanical problems
5. Whatever else to avoid future problems

Thanks in advance
Ivo Pezer, 5B4ADA/9A3A ex HH2AW/4V2A W6Q WRTC 96

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