[TowerTalk] Tower Tech

Greville Balzarini sandy.balzarini@iis.varian.com
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 07:08:47 -0400

I am sending this message to Scott (SFrakes@aol.com) but using this list
because Tower Tech reads most of the messages here and I believe they do not
want any bad vibs going across the computer tubes...

Hello to Scott (SFrakes@aol.com),

I asked Tower Tech over three weeks ago for a quote on a free standing tower
set up.  In fact they contacted me, via e0mail, and asked if I would like a
I agreed and I am still waiting for this quote.  I have called only once to
remind them and they said they were busy, I agreed and set back to wait.
I am not sure what is the problem but I am now looking else where, too bad
for TT.

I just thought I would put this out on the tube hoping that TT would move a
little faster.

73, sandy, n1mau

At 03:05 PM 8/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Aug. 21, 1997
>I called them numerous times over the past 3 weeks or so, and all I get is
>voice mail.  I did leave one message, requesting a catalog and a return call
Greville (Sandy) Balzarini, Parts Quality
IIS Varian, Gloucester, MA
tel: 508-282-2563
fax: 508-283-4542

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