[TowerTalk] Tri-Ex LM-470D

Del Seay, KL7HF seay@Alaska.NET
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:15:33 -0800 (AKDT)

Note that stresses on the house foundation should be taken into account
with a tower base that close. I would think that the house bracket might
tend to assure that the forces were in the same plane. If not, the
force from the tower base could conceivably cause the house foundation
to fail.
Any structural engineers on here have an opinion?
de KL7HF

At 12:25 PM 8/22/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>The house bracket will not help you, Bob. This tower is super stout when
>>mounted in the recommended concrete base. I doubt if any mechanical advantage
>>would be gained with a house bracket...the tower at the 22 foot point is
>>much stronger than your house. 
>The house that I rented for many years until recently was in very poor
>condition (the rent was extremely cheap and they let me put up a tower,
>so I didn't care!).  A standing joke around here was that my tower,
>bracketed to the garage at about 15', was the only thing holding up the
>house  :-)
>Dave WD5N
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