[TowerTalk] T2X

stratto stratto@tiac.net
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 18:02:05 -0400 (EDT)

I had a lightn stirke in July. It caused damaged to the rotor control of the
t2x. I have replaced the four diodes, the 13 volts zener, with a t 12 volt
one from radio shack. 
the problem remains, that their is no meter indication, how the rotator will
rotate and move the antenna in the appropriate directions.

from the manual it states measure for 13v between terminal points 3 and 7. I
have no voltage there, or across the zener diode. fuse looks fine. 

any suggestions, and if i need to send for repair, who do you suggest, and
what is the typical cost?  




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