[TowerTalk] It's UP!

Monte Stark ku7y@sage.dri.edu
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 09:52:26 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,

My C4SXL is now on top of the tower!

Yesterday morning the sign company came over and picked the
antenna off the saw horses and handed it to me on top of
the tower. It's setting there at 85' looking very good!

I want to thank everyone for their help with all my questions.

Wind came up to about 25mph while I was doing the feedline work
and the tower is now very stable. Getting the guy tension right
makes a big, big difference!

The cost of the sign truck, which had a 115' reach, was $50/hr.
I don't know the full charge yet, but he was there for under
one hour. Add some driving time and I would guess the bill to
be around $100. More than worth it!

And $100 is well down into the noise level when compaired to what
the rest of this project has cost!!

Oh, first contact on 40m was a new one overall for me!

Now to build the shack.....

Thanks again for all the help,

73, Ron,     SOWP 5545M,

.........KU7Y.....ARCI #8829.....Monte "Ron" Stark.....
....ku7y@sage.dri.edu...........Washoe Lake, Nevada....
....QRP-L #17...ARS #49...NorCal #330.....NRA LIFE.....

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