[TowerTalk] End mounting of boom on 10 meter beam vs mount @ CG

Bill Turner wrt@eskimo.com
Sun, 24 Aug 1997 10:27:34 GMT

On Sun, 24 Aug 1997 01:34:48 -0600 (MDT), John Brosnahan
<broz@csn.net> wrote:

>This array was mounted on a 
>rotating tower and there were never any indications of lobe distortion
>and the magnitude of my EME echoes on 10M seemed to confirm
>the theoretical numbers and I was quite satisifed with the S/N
>ratio on EME--it being as much a 15 dB on one occasion.
10 meter EME - interesting.  If your 8/8/8/8 was 15 dB over the noise,
then would a single 8 be 9 dB over?  If so, could us mere mortals with
a tribander be perhaps 5 dB over?  Has anyone ever done this?

73, Bill W7TI

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