[Fwd: Re: Fwd: [TowerTalk] T2X info tnx]

tjerk tjerk@iafrica.com
Sun, 24 Aug 1997 21:12:27 -0700

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Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 20:51:07 -0700
From: tjerk <tjerk@iafrica.com>
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To: towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: [TowerTalk] T2X info tnx
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> ....an important point brought up here is the missing nuts n washers......
> oscillations/vibrations happen in beams and towers and they are transferred
> to everything in the mechanical system....this is why I went to rivets on
> beams and have been buying more and more locknuts....sometime when you are on
> the tower place your finger tip on the boom of one of the yagis...if there is
> any wind you will sense a mild vibration - I guarantee!

Nothing new! I have a 100ft tower with a 3el 40m beam and a KT34XA 
and regulary lost the nuts on the Tailtwister. Have replaced them with 
double nuts - so far so good.

Tjerk, ZS6P

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