[TowerTalk] Hy-Gain trap rebuilding question

Fred Hopengarten k1vr@juno.com
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 07:55:17 EDT

Fred Hopengarten  K1VR               617/259-0088
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
permanent e-mail address:  fhopengarten@mba1972.hbs.edu

On Sat, 23 Aug 1997 13:10:13 -0600 (MDT) John Brosnahan <broz@csn.net>
> I recently acquired a TH-6 and a TH-2
>and plan to make a TH-7 out of the pile.  Any thoughts or caveats 
>I should be aware of?  Having trouble pulling the aluminum cover 
>from the trap to check the internal connections.
>Thanks----John  W0UN

K1VR replies:

1.  The aluminum cover on the trap is held on with a "dimple."  You can
try to force the cover off, in the hope that the dimple (or dimples)
aren't too deep, and, with enough persuasion, you will be able to get it
off.  K1MEM once helped me do this by creating a "tool" (as in tool and
die) -- or was it a die? -- which he slipped over the tubing and then we
pounded the tool with a hammer.  Pounding on the aluminum cover with a
hammer is a bad idea.  Instead, pound on the coil form with the force
fully distributed around the circumference underneath the aluminum cover.

2.  Replace the trap caps.  All of them.  Get replacements from Judy (I
think that's her name), or perhaps it is Linda, at Hy-Gain.  She takes
credit cards and ships UPS.  It is easy.  N4KG then recommends covering
them with Scotch 33 or 88 to further protect them next time around.
Drill a weep hole on the down hill side of the downhill end of the trap. 
Forget that anyone on this reflector ever wrote about whistling caused by
that small weep hole.

3.  While the traps are apart, examine them VERY closely for carbon
tracks and aluminum oxide.  Clean the trap before re-erecting.  But you
knew that.

Good luck!  -- Fred K1VR

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