[TowerTalk] "anodized" aluminum

Keith Radue zs6brh@global.co.za
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 06:40:52 +0200

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Hi all,
  We have a local chemical company that manufactures a product that they
sell as an "aluminium cleaner".  The mixture seem to be alkali
(caustic?). I and several of my ham friends have been using the product
for the past four years with great success.  You simply apply the liquid
with a paintbrush onto the surface you wish to clean, leave it on for
five minutes or so and then hose it off with water.  The aluminium is
bright and clean after this and remains in this state for some time.  My
TH5 was last cleaned two and a half years ago and is still shiny.  The
cleaner costs about $5 for a gallon.  I presume that in the US, there
must be several chemical companies that manufacture similar products.

73, Keith (ZS6BRH)

 Home Page   http://www.global.co.za/~zs6brh

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Hi all,
<BR>&nbsp; We have a local chemical company that manufactures a product
that they sell as an "aluminium cleaner".&nbsp; The mixture seem to be
alkali (caustic?). I and several of my ham friends have been using the
product for the past four years with great success.&nbsp; You simply apply
the liquid with a paintbrush onto the surface you wish to clean, leave
it on for five minutes or so and then hose it off with water.&nbsp; The
aluminium is bright and clean after this and remains in this state for
some time.&nbsp; My TH5 was last cleaned two and a half years ago and is
still shiny.&nbsp; The cleaner costs about $5 for a gallon.&nbsp; I presume
that in the US, there must be several chemical companies that manufacture
similar products.

<P>73, Keith (ZS6BRH)

<P>&nbsp;Home Page&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="http://www.global.co.za/~zs6brh/index.html">http://www.global.co.za/~zs6brh</A></HTML>


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