[TowerTalk] noise

Steve Weisbrod steve@gamecash.com
Wed, 27 Aug 97 09:34:00 -0600

Well if you had a small block Chev V6 or V8 my suggestion might have   
worked.  I have had 5 Corvettes since 1963 and my first one I bought with   
out a radio. That was a big mistake because it came without shielding.  I   
tried shielded aircraft ignition cable and that didn't work because the   
cap coupling caused arcing to ground of the shield. On Aircraft they have   
special plugs and dist. Caps that complete the ground. I finally was able   
to buy original Corvette shields but I learned that designing your own   
ignition shields is not a trivial task.

From:  Dick Flanagan
Sent:  Tuesday, August 26, 1997 8:41 AM
To:  Steve Weisbrod
Subject:  Re: [TowerTalk] noise

>> Shielded distributor caps?!  Ooooh, I would love to find one of those!
>> Where would I look?

>On old Corvettes

. . . but would it work on my 86 Ford?

Thanks for the response, Steve.

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada
Visit http://www.delphi.com/electronic/

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