[TowerTalk] Replacing Cable Clamps

Dale Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 23:16:47 -0500

Well, my tower guy cable clamps are sufficiently rusted to warrant
changing them out--I may be a couple of years too late, actually, but....

What's the recommended procedure?  

Should I simply remove one and put a new one in it's place, one at a 

Or should I place offset the new ones, then take the old ones off? 

If I need to take up some slack in a guy, what should I do about the 
crimps in the guy, since they would now by offset by a few inches or 

Or should I just ignore them and place the clamps at appropriate 
distances from the loop? 

e-mail me directly and I will summarize to the reflector. 

Thanks in advance...


Dale Martin, KG5U

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