[TowerTalk] Re: coax splices

Martin Gary n3hrt@eagle1.eaglenet.com
Sun, 31 Aug 1997 00:12:37 -0400

Gerald k5gw wrote:
> However, I must emphatically disagree with the idea that they are water proof
> as they certainly are not!


I don't know what kind of N connectors you are getting, but the ones
that I use have a rubber seal on the back of the connector and inside
where they mate together.
I NEVER put one out in the weather without sealing it, however, I do use
them at the patch panel on the outside of my house without any weather
seal on them. I have not found any water in them as yet. I've been using
this methode for about five years now with no trouble.

By the way, I like coax seal. Wrap some good electrical tape around your
connectons, then put coax seal on it, and then another layer of
electrical tape. Works great! the inner layer of tape is to keep the
coax seal from sticking to your connector and the outer layer is to
protect the coax seal from the elements. It dries out if you don't
protect it.

And I think your wrong about the impedance of pl259's.....they are 75

73 de Martin - N3HRT

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