Rohn 80

Jonathan Starr
Fri, 7 Feb 1997 12:43:20 -1000

Glad to be on here, certainly can use all the
input I can get before the new project.

I have a heavy winch on a big 4wd truck, and my
4wd Deere tractor has a set of fork lift tines
that replace the loader bucket.

I figure I can take the first 20' plus the
triangular base
of the Rohn 80 and use the truck winch to stand
it up, keeping the base held against some
cribbage placed against the tower pier, and
having two people back up the two temporary
downside guys, letting them out through the
turnbuckle eyes as the tower lifts. When its
upright, I can lift the base with my forklift
(2500# cap) and place it on the pier pin and then
tension the guys. Will have to use light,
flexible wire for these temporary guys.


Jonathan KH6X

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