[TowerTalk] [BitBucket] Searching for mail lists

wa2moe@doitnow.com wa2moe@doitnow.com
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 14:05:19 -0700

a repeat for a few of those who missed it, and while I tried it, no reply
was received

>>Date: Fri, 21 Feb 97 11:01:09 PST
>>From: "JAMES MCEWEN" <mcewenjv@songs.sce.com>
>>To: bitbucket@primenet.com
>>Subject: [BitBucket] Searching for mail lists
>>Sender: owner-bitbucket@ftp1.primenet.com
>>     A while back someone asked how they could find mailing lists of 
>>     antenna and ham topics (a mailing list is sent direct to you, 
>>     instead of going through the usenet newsgroup server.  It usually 
>>     has a more restricted membership and a lot lower spam rate).  If 
>>     you just have internet e-mail you can receive a mailing list.
>>     Send an e-mail to:  liszt@bluemarble.net
>>     leave the subject blank, and put the following in the body of the 
>>     message:
>>     About
>>     Help
>>     You will get the simple directions for doing a search of over 
>>     14,000 mailing lists.
                              Stu Greene WA2MOE 
                            7537 North 28th Avenue
                          Phoenix, Arizona 85051  USA


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