Tower Grounding Wire Size

Tony Brock-Fisher
Mon, 6 Jan 1997 08:47:40 -0500

W5FL writes:
>Ground Rods:  I have one sunk 8 feet in solid rock under the tower, and =
each of the guy pipes are sunk 5 1/2 feet in the ground.  Beyond that I =
see no further need for ground rods since they cannot be driven more =
than 2 to 3 feet under the surface horizontally (solid rock is 2 - 3 =
foot down)and they cost $10 each (same as 50 feet of #6 awg copper =
ground wire).

I'm surprised you've come to this conclusion, if you have the Polyphaser
book. Each ground rod serves to divide the incoming energy. My advice:

Don't let 'cost' enter into the 'need' function...

Try copper pipe. Start with an 8 foot length; drive it until you reach
rock (drop a large bolt in the end so it doesn't mash). Then cut off 
what sticks out of the ground and move on to the next one.

-Tony, K1KP,

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