Raising (Hell) Beams
Thu, 9 Jan 1997 11:48:39 -0500
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Lee, Depending on the height of your mast above the tower
you may not want to attach the rope to it, lest you bend
or break it. If you think about it,you put an enormous
sideways force on the mast when trying to raise a heavy
beam with the supporting (tram-line) rope reasonably taut.
One option is to attach the tram-line to the top of the
tower (always assuming it can handle the sideways strain)
and use a come-along and/or a gin-pole to get the beam to
the right height on the mast. Alternatively, you can use a
second rope in the opposite direction to the first (suitably
secured of course) to serve as a back-stay to relieve the
sideways strain imposed on the mast by the tram-line rope.
In my experience, it is best if you can attach the tram-line
to a point a good bit higher than where you need to attach
the antenna. You can then operate without the tram-line rope
being too taut, and once you have raised the antenna almost
all of the way up the tram line, slacken it to allow the
antenna to come in to the right place. While pulling the
antenna up the tram line with a tractor has much to commend
it, you need to have a person on the tower to watch that the
pull rope, where it is tied to the load, does not reach the
pulley through which it is being pulled! My tractor could
not sense the increased strain when this happened, and the
rope broke allowing a 6-element 20-meter beam (60 ft boom)
to slide back down the tram-line and,on reaching the ground,
turn itself into a prettzle! John N3HBX.
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Subject: Raising (Hell) Beams
Author: Lee Buller <k0wa@southwind.net> at INTERNET
Date: 1/9/97 9:24 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I ask for a "cookbook" method raising large antennas. So far, I haven't got
any pictures, but lets see if I can write a little verbage here as to what
people are telling me.
1. Place a rope from the top of the mast to a solid connecting point away
from the tower.
2. Install two pullies on the rope.
3. Move the antenna under the rope and secure it to the lower pully on the
rope. The boom should be perpendicular to the rope. Make sure that the
boom to mast clamp is facing the right direction. The antenna should be
tied to the balance point.
4. Attach and 3 to 4 foot arm on the boom parallel to the rope using a
U-Bold. At the outer reach or the arm attach the second pully. You now are
supported by two pullies. The reason to put the arm on the boom to act as a
lever and keep the antenna from rolling over or flipping while raising the
antenna. It cannot flip over with this arraingment.
5. OPTIONAL: Tag lines. A tag line can be place on each end of the boom
to keep the antenna horitontal during lifting. Tag lines are very long
loops of rope which can be taken off after the antenna is in place. Smaller
rope or cord could be used for the Tag Lines
6. Place a pully at the top of the tower and string a pull line through the
pulling and attach it to the arm on the boom of the antenna. The pull line
rope then goes to the ground.
7. Slow pull the antenna up the rope until it comes to a place where you
want to attach it to the mast. A person on the ground might have to loosen
the tram line to allow the placement of the antenna on the mast. I suggest
that a "hay-knot" be used at the lower end of the tram line to insure that
the rope doesn't get out of hand.
Please make comments and suggestions as to this very simple seven point
cookbook method. I would like to know what I missed because I have never
done it this way before. I want to incorporate your thoughts and experience
into the cookbook. Thanks
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Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 09:24:15 -0600
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From: Lee Buller <k0wa@southwind.net>
Subject: Raising (Hell) Beams
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