Concord Tower Saga Update -Reply
Fred Hopengarten
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:54:53 EST
Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105 * 617/259-0088
e-mail: or
Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low.
On Fri, 10 Jan 1997 16:14:48 -0500 Patrick Barkey <>
>The problem was that I was not allowed to rebut the arguments of my
>neighbors, who testified after me. They were allowed to say all kinds
>absolutely idiotic things about my proposed tower, and I was not
>to speak because I had already had my "turn."
K1VR: Hey, Pat, what was the outcome? Did you get the permit or not?
If you got the permit, the reason they wouldn't permit you to speak
anymore was that they are volunteers, were going to grant, and wanted to
get home sooner, rather than later.
A war story: One day I was in Court and the other lawyer, who had no
choice but to be there and defend a difficult position, was ripped to
shreds. Then it was my turn. After I said: "May it please the
Court,..." I was interrupted. One of the Judges (it was an appeal to a
three judge panel) said: "Mr. Hopengarten: Do you really have an urgent
need to say anything?" I replied: "I can take a hint, Your Honor.
Unless one of you wishes to ask me any questions, I am prepared to sit
Pffffft. Four hours of preparation and I said exactly two sentences. But
the one sentence postcard decision, dismissing the other side's appeal,
was all the reward I wanted.
Nonetheless, your advice to understand the procedure is a GREAT idea. I
always recommend to clients that they attend a meeting or two in advance
of the night when they'll have their permit application come up. You get
the feeling for who the members of the Board are, and what they are
concerned about.
Also, READ THE ORDINANCE YOURSELF. That way you'll understand what the
topic of discussion will be. In other words, don't ask for a variance,
when a special permit is what you want.
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