[TowerTalk] V-beam Gain and R+/-jX

Earl W Cunningham k6se@juno.com
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 11:31:54 EDT


   I used a 450-ohm balanced to 50-ohm unbalanced (9:1) balun provided by
the USAF back in 1967 to terminate a 600-foot/leg 80' high rhombic when I
was KL7FRY in the Aleutians.  I situated the balun at the base of the
rhombic's apex/feed pole and ran open wire line between the balun and the
feedpoint of the rhombic, then RG-213 to the shack (which was located
inside the screen room of the base PMEL, speaking of screen rooms, hi). 
It worked great, and didn't have to use a tuner for the KWM-2/30L1 in
those days.

   73, de Earl,  K6SE

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