[TowerTalk] R-7 HELP

John D. Farr johnfarr@ro.com
Sun, 20 Jul 1997 16:34:42 -0500

george fremin iii wrote:
> >From: "Fabio" <i4ufh@contest.dsnet.it>
> >Subject: R7 Problems
> >Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 13:22:55 +0200
> >
> >Hi Guys,
> >
> >
> >I am looking  for some help about an secon hand R7 antenna.
> >
> >Just assembling the antenna to checkout any problems before
> >leaving Italy for my Expedition to 5H1 next week i have
> > found  that I have a spare tube of  17.8" instead of a 14" tube
> >marked AF in the manual. This tube is a tube between the 20 and 17
> >traps, but the disatance from these traps is 16" and with a 17.8" tube
> >it's sound difficult. I observed also that the 20 m traps  is different
> >from the figure. Probable who has selled me the antenna had a
> >wrong manual.
> >
> >Any advise?? Is the manual wrong or may be are there two version
> >of  the antenna not notified ???
> >
> >Fabio I4UFH     one IR4T / IG9R / KF6FBE


I would contact Ray at rayl@cushcraft.com. He was most helpful answering
my questions about Cushcraft antennas.


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