[TowerTalk] Antenna and tower ID help photos.
Leikhim, Joe
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 21:57:52 -0400
I checked your tower. All I can say is it doesn't look like my US Tower.
Possibly Hygain??
Be sure to replace the cables and any suspicious pulleys.
Bob Duckworth wrote:
> These are all jpeg (jpg) and for detail, on order of
> 100 to 200 kbyte. 10" x 8" at 72dpi
> 40 meter 3elements approx 42' overall fasten to these centers
> and a coffee can sized plastic (coil?) lives at center just
> over the U-bolt. Standoff are insulators. So far suggestions
> are that this is an older Mosley. 3" boom dia.
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/40meter.jpg> 123k
> 40m element halves (6 total) half element approx. 26'
> plus the elements from as of yet unidentified
> Mosley 3 ele yagi (CL33? TA33? 10/15 only?)
> 8' center to trap, 12 center to end.
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/elements.jpg> 81k
> Crank up tower: model?? manufacturer??
> http://www.atl.org/antennas/TOWER3.jpg 134k
> base section
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/TOWER2.jpg> 159k
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/TOWER9.jpg> 212k
> bottom brackets for anchors
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/anchors.jpg> 182k
> brackets to left for winch
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/WINCH2.jpg> 133k
> pulleys at tops of sections.
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/TOWER8.jpg> 225k
> Me, after digging the crankup out from under 8 years growth
> of weeds, taking down a 50' Rohn 25, and moving them and
> all the antennas (3 ele HF yagi, 6m yagi, and 2m collinear were
> all up!) home. Marty AA4RM helped and I'll get a photo of him
> next time he comes over.
> <http://www.atl.org/antennas/bob2.jpg> 72k
> The crankup was moved with ease by a 'flat bed' type
> wrecker for only $81. Got to thinking, Truck, ramp,
> come-along....and realized that the wrecker had it all plus
> additional help.
> -bob
> wb4mnf
> --
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Joe Leikhim KE4TZH
"tv dinner by the pool,
i'm so glad i finished school" -F.Zappa 1967
"The Revolution will NOT be televised" -Gil Scott Heron
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