[TowerTalk] Editorial in Dallas Morning News

Bob Wruble ai7b@teleport.com
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 17:09:34 -0700

not surprising to me.....this is what we get for 30+ years of liberal rule.
personal property rights have become a joke!!   you can't even always
win out in a e countyside Qth.....I lost a three year battle with the planners
in hington County Oregon.......gave up and moved to the tullies
but still feel pressure from GD busy bodies that have nothing better
to do than draw their social security checks and mind every body
elses business !!!

this problem needs to be addressed at the ballot box......and soon.
the league is not much help far as i can see....their for Qrp, attic
antennas and 2M radios  if you have'nt noticed!!  


> From: David L. Thompson <thompson@mindspring.com>
> To: towertalk@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Editorial in Dallas Morning News
> Date: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 12:47 PM
> At 02:29 PM 7/29/97 PDT, "Brent Childers" <w5ww@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Hello All, 
> >
> >A friend of mine pointed this editorial from today's Dallas Morning 
> >News.  It's interesting to hear something from someone else's point of 
> >view about towers.  I don't know if I should consider it a complement or 
> >slam to be equated to a spotted owl.
> >
> EXERPTS form the letter
> >
> >We know Rep. Sam Johnson is really busy trying to balance the budget, 
> >reduce the deficit and check on campaign spending, but we have this 
> >little neighborhood problem with ham radio operators
> Operators....one ham operator is all that is mentioned.
> >Awhile back this ham operator moves into the neighborhood and before 
> >long this huge, ugly antenna sprouts up in his yard.
> >
> >To the complete surprise of everyone, except the lawyers who know 
> >everything about everything, come to find out ham radio operators are 
> >protected by the Federal Communications Commission, much like the 
> >spotted owl. Neither are they responsible for any interference to TV, radio
> or cellular phones.
> I never heard of any owls being licensed by the FCC.  You guys who work for
> the Electrobnic Industry Association have sure put us in a bad spot over
> interference to "improper devices"!!!!!
> >We were further told >ham operators are our friends. Hey, I don't know
> about you, Sam, but >anyone who builds a public eyesore in his yard and
> messes with my TV >reception is no friend of mine.
> Unfortunately this is why so many DXers and Contesters head for the woods
> and the hills.  The surge of CC&R's are locking us out of new subdivisions,
> anyway.
> >
> >Whatever happened to the democratic principle of self-rule? If all this 
> >is true, then it is high time for the federal government to butt out and 
> >let local neighborhoods solve their own problems. Hope Sam will agree 
> >that property owners, too, should have some rights.
> >
> I have heard that one before....ask Gerald W5BA about this too.  Seems these
> type of people want justice for themselves, but none for the ham.  Their
> solution (as seen in CC&R's) is no amateur radio at all!  (Their rights not
> our rights).
> I hope many hams in the Dallas/Plano area answer Mr. Zimmerman.
> Dave K4JRB
> BTW: As we found in Gwinnett County, GA...the cellular tower folks are a big
> ally in getting our towers up.  When its a decison between a 190' cell tower
> and a 60' ham Rohn 25 we are looked at more favorabily! 
> --
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