[TowerTalk] mail failed, returning to sender (fwd)

Charles H. Harpole harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 09:59:27 -0400 (EDT)

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Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 09:55:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: MAILER-DAEMON@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
To: harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

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Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 09:54:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Charles H. Harpole" <harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu>
X-Sender: harpole@pegasus
To: Claus Enoch <enoch@inet.uni-c.dk>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 9N1 Operation by K4VUD
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No CW for me because I learned the wrong way and am both bad at cw and do
not like it, 'cause I am bad at it.  There is no need to do DXpeditions
badly and that is what would happen if I took to the key.
However, I can choose only two bands for license due to cost, (they charge
by the band!!) and likely will do 20 and 40 -- do not know if WARC is
legal there or offered.  73, K4VUD

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