[TowerTalk] Phillystran vs EHS Guywire
Bob Wruble
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 17:44:36 -0700
ehs or aircraft cable (acc better im my opinion cuz its much easier to wk with)
definitly cheaper. i just did a phillstran tower and sure enjoyed the ease of
wking with the stuff and the electrical transparency of it but i don't think it
is a markedly better guy material...always used aircraft cable which agn in my
opinion is a lot easier to wk with than ehs........installing all those eggs is very time
sonsuming and hard on the hands but very doable........ but they do provide more
failure points in ur guy system.......guy wires will pull thru the eggs and the cable
clamps if caught by a vehicle like a delivery truck.....seen it happen. the way arn that
is to use nicopress fittings but of course they drive the costs up!!
u cud argue that philly not as good in that it will burn/melt and can be cut with
a shorty knife ....u shud use wire near the ground or over any structures that
cud catch fire.
73 w7gg
> From: Richard L. King <k5na@bga.com>
> To: towertalk@contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Phillystran vs EHS Guywire
> Date: Monday, June 02, 1997 1:43 PM
> I have started the process of rebuilding my station here at the new QTH in
> Texas and I did some investigating that other Towertalkans might be
> interested in.
> One of the changes to my new station that I wanted to make was to use
> Phillystran instead of EHS Steel Guywire. I have always heard that a
> Phillystran system would cost a little more, but not a lot more than the
> EHS guywire because of the cost of breaking the EHS up with insulators.
> That the ease of using Phillystran made the extra cost worthwhile. So I did
> the math and was surprised at my findings.
> The Phillystran was much, much more expensive per tower. I calculated the
> lengths necessary for a single 197 foot tower. The tower will be guyed at 6
> places. The first guyanchor will be at 75 feet from the base for the first
> three guys and the second guyanchor for the top three guys will be 150 feet
> from the base.
> For prices, I went to the last issue that Texas Towers had listed tower
> hardware. That issue was the February, 1997 issue and I noticed that the
> prices had a healthy increase from the January, 1997 issue. I priced 1/4
> inch EHS, 1/4 inch big grips, 502 insulators, 6700# Phillystran, big grips
> for the 6700# Phillystran. I DID NOT price guy anchors, distribution
> plates, turnbuckles, tower, and other stuff that would be common to either
> an EHS or Phillystran guywire installation. Here are the numbers.
> For an ALL EHS guy sustem with insulators broken up every 75 feet.
> EHS Cable = 3000 feet X $.19 = $570.00
> Big grips = 96 total X $4.95 = $475.20
> 502 Insulators = 48 total X $5.50 = $264.00
> TOTAL for EHS guyed 197 foot tower = $1309.20
> For a Phillystran guy system (with some EHS at each end)
> Phillystran Cable = 2400 feet X $1.15 = $2760.00
> Big grips for Philly = 36 total X $10.95 = $394.20
> EHS cable = 540 feet X $.19 = $102.60
> EHS big grips = 36 total X $4.95 = $178.20
> 502 Insulators = 36 total X $5.50 = $198.00
> TOTAL for Phillystran guyed 197 foot tower = $3633.00
> So the guying for this one tower would be $2323.80 MORE, per tower, than
> the EHS plan. I decided to do one more calculation to see what the cost
> would be for EHS guying, but breaking up the guy sections every 25 feet
> instead of 75 feet. Here are those numbers:
> For an ALL EHS guy system with insulators broken up every 25 feet.
> EHS cable = 3000 feet X $.19 = $570.00
> EHS big grips = 240 total X $4.95 = $1188.00
> 502 insulators = 120 total X $5.50 = $660.00
> TOTAL for an ALL EHS tower broken up at 25 feet = $2418.00
> The Phillystran guyed tower is still $1215 MORE than this tower. Since I
> planned to do about four of these towers plus some Phillstran guyed
> tower/verticals, I would spend over $10,000 EXTRA for the privilege to use
> Phillystran. I think not. It is too expensive for me.
> Comments? Anyone want to tell me why I should spend so much more money on
> Phillystran? I am open to arguments for and against.
> 73, Richard
> http://www.realtime.net/~k5na
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