[TowerTalk] 40-2CD

Bruce Makas k1my@nlis.net
Wed, 04 Jun 1997 18:20:43 -0400

I'm going to be putting up a 40-2 to use during contests and I'm thinking
of 100' to 120' as the height. Is there an optimal height for this antenna
from coastal Maine or is it just "the higher the better"? If I were to put
up two what would be the best height for the 2nd one?

I'm also going to put some 20 meter monobanders on the same tower. Is there
a way to determin spacing and heights for these antennas as well? 

Are there books on this, software, or do you just learn it as you go?

thanks in advance    73,   Bruce

                                             ( O O )
                      _________________________( )_____o0O__________________
                     |                                                      |
                     |  Bruce Makas, K1MY        ex: K1MTY, W9NSM, W4PAK,   |
                     |  58 Stonegate Road            N9AFY, KB9US, KS9Z     |
                     |  Cape Elizabeth, Maine    E-mail: k1my@nlis.net      |
                     |  04107     USA            Phone: 207 / 767-8150      |
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