[TowerTalk] Anti-Lightning devices

stu stunroe@orion.branch-co.lib.mi.us
Thu, 05 Jun 1997 01:31:59 -0500

A few years back there was an article in 73 magazine about how to make a
device which looked like a pom-pom to clamp to each leg of a tower every
30' or so. The premise was that lightning was ground to cloud and would
develop feelers which would incur a strike. These devices were supposed
to dissipate the charge on the tower and prevent the 'feelers' from
happening. The gentleman who wrote the article said he had towers which
were not hit while nearby trees and powerpoles (which were shorter than
his tower) were. I am wondering if anyone on the reflector has used
these (homebrew or commercial) and if they seem to work. Where I am
located, anything over 60' would be higher than the surroundings & I
DON'T want to invite a strike. Thanks for any advice.
73' Steve KG8TX

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