[TowerTalk] Rohn work platform/Belts
Patrick Croft
Fri, 6 Jun 1997 11:20:48 -0400 (EDT)
>If you're planning on trying various antennas and being on the Rohn 25 much,
>the platform, while quite small, does offer your feet and legs a break
>compared to standing on the brace rungs for any serious length of time. On
>the 'Con' side, it can seem to always be in the wrong place when you are
>working about an area. I've had them for 25 years, and only take up when I
>know I'm going to be focusing on ONE problem, and hopefully, ONE area. Two
>platforms don't help at the same level, but offer advantage of not
>constantly re-positioning the solo unit.
>Belts are vital!!! Many reforms in the design and certification in the past
>couple years. Once only a market that Klien controlled, now others are in
>the game and prices are down. Good souces for info: tree services and your
>elctric & cable installers. Ask them questions while offering a cold pop
>from your cooler. As for buying, don't overlook the industial distributors
>- firms like W.W. Graingers handle them as well as others. Be very careful
>about using hamfest specials and hand-me-downs from well meaning old timers
>- cracked leather is sure sign you might not get to be an old timer. For
>caring of the belt you do get, if leather, check a tack store or grain &
>feed supply as they will have various cleaning and maintenance products to
>insure a long life for your belt. Do not toss in the corner of your garage
>or storage shed and then trust your life to 'luck' six months or two years
>later. The newer materials in some of the less expensive belts lessen the
>maintenance chore, but do remember that this is the most important part of
>your antenna system, so treat it well.
>Bests Always,
>At 10:58 PM 6/5/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Hello Gang,
>> The plan is coming together. It's gonna be 42 feet of Rohn 25 and 5
>>feet or so of mast. (I can go 50 feet without going to the zoning board
>>for a variance!) The marker stakes are out in the back yard now, and I
>>think my bride is starting to suspect that I'm not laying out new flower beds.
>> While I'm ordering the tower parts, is it worth getting a snap on
>>"work platform" from Rohn? (I'm not an antique yet, but...)
>> Also, what features do you look for when buying a climbing belt? I
>>WILL have experienced climbers put the tower up, but intend to do my share
>>of the work as well as maintain the installation afterward.
>> If the belt thread has already been done to death here, please email
>>me direct.
>>TNX and 73, Ken
>>Ken Freedman
>>Living Proof That, "You don't have to be a blonde to be light headed!"
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