[TowerTalk] thimble gap too narrow

Frank Donovan donovanf@sgate.com
Fri, 6 Jun 1997 21:00:47 -0400 (EDT)

Pete - 

I'm not sure if you are using Preformed Line Products "Big Grips," but if
you are, you must use ONLY heavy duty thimbles such as the Rohn 3/8THH
thimble.  Rohn thimbles use the "open pattern" you need.  Use of a
standard duty thimble risks almost certain failure of the Big Grip under
heavy wind loading!


On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Pete Soper wrote:

> 	Also, I got my thimbles mixed up last night and none from Hill Radio 
> had the "too narrow" problem. The Hill "3/8TH" thimble is much lighter 
> construction (tho heavier than Home Depot) but the ends are almost parallel, 
> so no problem with getting them over a turnbuckle eye.
> Regards,
> Pete

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