[TowerTalk] MARC question
JC Smith
JC_Smith@designlink.com (JC Smith)
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 09:07:01 GMT
I was showing MARC to a friend yesterday, and a question came up. He asked me
to add a vertical to the top of the mast. I couldn't find anything about this
anywhere, so we winged it. Here's what we did, is it correct?
We used the actual mast height when asked for that number. For location of the
vertical on the mast we added half the vertical's height to the mast height
(it's essentially cylinderical), so we in effect told the program we were
attaching sometiing to a part of the mast that doesn't exist. It didn't bomb,
but did we get the correct answer?
73 - JC,k0hps@amsat.org
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