[TowerTalk] yagi comments
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 14:56:38 -0700
Hello Guys, this is in referance to the long boom monobanders and if they
are worth the trouble. I have a hombrew 7 element monobander on 10 meters
with a 45 foot boom at 90 feet. The only thing I would consider trading
it for would be a stack of them. I only run 175 watts and have 310
countries confirmed on 10m. This would have be impossible with a shorter
antenna. It is all a matter of ones needs or desires. The only thing
better than a long boom monobander is a stack of them.
On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, ftbrady@cosmoslink.net (Frank T. Brady) wrote:
>So --
> Maybe Mike at M2 wasn't so wrong when he said that a 4 element on a
>gain-optimized boom had about as much gain as one could realistically
>in practice?
> .2 and .25 spacing of a 20m 4 element array gives boom lengths of around
>and 50 feet respectively.
> The same spacings for a 20m 6 element array gives booms of 66 and 82
> Since 60 feet is about the largest boom usually used, could it be that
>6 element monsters aren't really giving enough extra gain to justify the
>significant mechanical problems that go with them?
> I sure would like to see someone actually verify the 10 or 11 dbd gain
>claims for some of these big monobanders.
>Best regards and 73s,
> Frank - W0ECS
>>On 6/13/97 9:57 AM, Charles H. Harpole at harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
>>>Physics still says, I think, that more elements, properly placed, equal
>>>more gain. Could I, and physics, be wrong? K4VUD
>>The NBS (now NIST) studies of a couple of decades ago decisively showed
>>that the BOOM LENGTH was the primary factor in determining yagi gain, and
>>that the number of elements had surprisingly little to do with it.
>>(Although there were some very interesting exceptions)
>>Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: aa4lr@radio.org
>>Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>> -- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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