[TowerTalk] Any good MO Rope Sources?

WDFULLER@aol.com WDFULLER@aol.com
Sun, 15 Jun 1997 09:11:46 -0400 (EDT)

One source that has worked well for me and you can't beat the price is:

Get to know the Search & Rescue folks in your area.  They are required to
retire their climbing ropes (usually 1/2" to 5/8" braided nylon certified
quality) after a specified time period.  As in my case, with a promise to
never use the rope for supporting human loads, they give me all I can carry
away when it is time for them to recycle.  Otherwise, they just throw it

I realize this may not be a short term answer for your source of rope.  If
you don't have the time to establish a relationship with a S&R team,  get in
contact with Mountain Engineering in Santa Barbara, California.  They  are
one of the biggest distributors of mountain climbing and S&R equipment in the
US.  Tell them what you want the rope for and I am sure they can fix you up,

73, Don, KA6KGF (wdfuller@aol.com)

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