[TowerTalk] yagi comments
Allan G. Taylor
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 09:45:31 -0700 (PDT)
I appreciate your comments re Yagis and pricing. I thought I would toss in my
two cents worth for fun.
I am looking forward to putting up a Force-12 Magnum 340 (the 3 el yagi you
used in your price comparison) on a fairly lightweight tower on our subdiv
property. Putting up the F-12 will allow me to also put up a set of dipoles
20/15/10 in an assembly above the 3-L 40 and keep the whole affair within the
10 sq ft limit of the LM354 TriEx tower that I can afford. Since this is a
hobby, cost really matters. I am still saving, saving, saving, but being able
to use a $1300 tower instead of a $3000 tower and still have some sort of
antenna on it for 20/15/10 is a big plus in considering F-12. With M2, KLM,
HyGain, there would only be enough wind load capacity left to put up the
2m/70cm gp! This system won't be optimal for 40, but it at least should beat
the socks off of a wire inv dp at 36ft. We have absolutely no icing to worry
about here in the East Bay (nr SF) so a macho beam isn't required. Wind rating
locally is 70, the strongest in reality was about 65 in a windstorm 1.5 yrs ago.
A tower height restriction to 55 ft is also part of the equation. I spend 95%
of my time on 40, so this compromise works for me. For others, a more
substantial tower is a necessity to hold up the aluminum for big antennas for
20 and up, but I rarely operate in daylight hours. Prefer to hike then!
Does anyone have a TriEx LM354 they would like to sell at a reasonable
Besides, Tom S is a nice guy!
Grant K7GT
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