[TowerTalk] Moles are destroying field of dreams

Frank Connelly mole@eskimo.com
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 01:07:14 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Effinger SH (Sam)  at MSXSOPC wrote:

> I am looking for any good ideas to rid my antenna field of Moles...The
> little
> buggers are every where...I got some poision pellets but I would need a
> bushel
> basket and 6 months to kill the pesky critters ...		
> Some folks say they are active in the afternoon so just get a chair and
> a
> shot gun and when you see the ground move blast away...This is tempting
> but
> my neighbors think I am strange anyway so sitting on a chair with a     
> shootum-up gun in my lap just won't help my image at all..
> If you got any ideas let me know...
> Thanks  73/Sam  K9SD
> gun in my lap won't play too well...
> Sam Effinger
> SIET- Utilities
> --
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Get the hornets to attack them!  :-)

Frank, W7ND

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