[TowerTalk] cleaning/replacing aluminum

Roger L. Elowitz K2JAS@worldnet.att.net
Sat, 21 Jun 1997 22:12:51 -0400

Hi Lee and the multitudes....

"A Kelly's Blue Book on used elements"..... the thought boggles the mind.
Wow!  The start of a new industry for the twentieth century.  I can just see
the ads now.... "USED ANTENNA ELEMENTS....only slightly worn during the last
few hurricanes.... DX certified bore.... plenty of air-mileage still left in
this set of pipes.... only used on Sundays for the missonary nets....
friendly pigeon coated... WILL  SHINE UP NICELY FOR THE NEXT CQ WW
CONTEST....is there no end?

Roger, K2JAS


At 10:38 PM 6/21/97 +0000, you wrote:
>        Does anyone have a Kelly's Blue Book on used elements?
>At 07:20 PM 6/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Help Stu!!!!!!
>>I think someone started a monster here! And IT WASN'T ME!  I only admit to
>>adding to it... somewhat!  This thing is getting funnier and funnier by the
>>Do you think it has anything to do with the full moon or the beginning of
>>summer or sunspots? Or perhaps it's a lull in the dx?
>>I think it's GREAT!  Sounds like everyone is loosening up a little... and
>>that's a good thing.  Kinda like prune juice for the reflector.  Now doesn't
>>everyone feel better?  I sure hope so.
>>Stay loose....  but not on a tower.
>>Roger, K2JAS
>>I love the trade-in's on the tubing thing and the aluminum oxide eating
>>bacteria. So... the guys have a funny bone to tickle after-all.  Whoopie!
>>There's hope for mankind after all.
>>At 09:44 PM 6/21/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>>At 03:48 PM 6/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>>>Replacing aluminum elements on a scheduled basis: What a great idea! I
wish I
>>>>had thought of that myself years ago!
>>>>I know that many of you will not want to be off the air long enough to clean
>>>>all the elements. For this reason, let me suggest that you consider
>>>>purchasing a new set of elements from my company, Texas Towers. 
>>>do you take the old elements as trade ins?
>>>73 de
>>>                              Stu Greene WA2MOE 
>>>                            7537 North 28th Avenue
>>>                          Phoenix, Arizona 85051  USA
>>>                           E-Mail: wa2moe@doitnow.com
>>>                             Phone (602)864-1990                          

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