[TowerTalk] chrome
Roger L. Elowitz
Sun, 22 Jun 1997 18:52:33 -0400
Hi Scott et al,
I've just had a wonderful idea for the rest of my retirement years... since
everyone is always trying to find me a job anyway... I think I just found a
new career....
Introducing......"K2JAS...DX Designer Sunglasses"...for those blinding
signals coming from those blazing antennas. Especially useful when you can
no longer read the "S" meters because you've been squinting due to the
glare coming from the other stations antennas.
Finally, you'll be able to read the Loos tension gauge (sold by K7LXC)
while looking at the tower tilt.
These glasses will even help reading your sundials so you can finally find
True North.... which everyone knows.... is just to the right of Burger
King... and next to Ham Heaven.
Roger, K2JAS
>At 10:47 AM 6/22/97 -0500, Paul Howard wrote:
>>Greetings ;
>> I am getting to old to shine my elements every year . and too poor to trade
>>them in to Gearld k5gw even though it is a bargain . How about getting them
>>chrome plated? Could any one tell me how much extra gain i would get on my 5
>>element 20 meter beam if i get a extra fine crome job? Gearld do you do
>>chrome work?
>>73's paul wa5tud
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