[TowerTalk] Glen Martin Roof Towers

Casey Conway caconway@evansville.net
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 08:29:43 -0500

Hi all...

I am considering putting up a Glen Martin 17.5 foot roof tower on top of
the house and would like your comments.  The antenna will be Force 12
(either a C3S or C4SXL).  I would like to use a 15 foot mast to get the
total height up to about 50 feet.  At this time, I can't put up a tower
so this seems to be the only set up that would work.

Any thoughts?  Martin says the tower does not have to be guyed but I'm
not sure bolting it to the roof would hold the weight.  I can't
crossbrace the legs because I do not have access to the atic space.


Casey K7CK

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