[TowerTalk] Roof Mount Towers
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 15:33:38 -0500
99% of all homes built will have 24" centered rafters using stick built or
factory trusses! 16" centers are common on stud wall layouts, floor and
ceiling joists.
Jim K0KM
> From: Mary-Frances R. Bartels <ki0dz@juno.com>
> To: K2JAS@worldnet.att.net; towertalk@contesting.com
> Cc: caconway@evansville.net; k0wa@southwind.net
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Roof Mount Towers
> Date: Monday, June 23, 1997 3:33 PM
> On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 14:05:39 -0400 "Roger L. Elowitz"
> <K2JAS@worldnet.att.net> writes:
> >Trouble is it's very difficult or know for sure if in fact your screw
> >did
> >go into the joist...or maybe just the edge of it. Sure, everything
> >should
> >be on 16" centers... but, as the song says... "It ain't necessarily
> >so!"
> Howdy,
> A short message about the 16" centers. In my house (built in 1956)
> this is NOT the case. Last summer I mounted solar panels on the roof to
> power the hamshack (solar energy is another hobby of mine, not a
> necessity). I had a setup of 2x6's that would be bolted into the joists
> and then the frame bolted to the 2x6's. I found that the joists were
> APPROXIMATELY 24" apart. That "approximately" was a killer. Sometimes
> it was as little as 23, I think two were closer to 25. A real mess, but
> the panel frame has not moved an inch since installation.
> So, do NOT assume the joists are 16" apart when installing solar
> panels, roof mounted towers, or whatever on the roof.
> 73,
> Mary-Frances
> Mary-Frances R. Bartels (((#))) ^ ^
> Amateur Radio Callsign: KI0DZ DM79lt Denver, CO | ^ - ^
> ***Let ME scan your photos and documents!*** ------- (o o)
> Ind. Rep. of Watkins products #92389 |ooOoo| >{ | }<
> (303) 428-5884 ki0dz@juno.com ------- " RRR )*
> --
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