[TowerTalk] CATV Hardline connectors
Pete Smith
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 08:49:41
At 07:22 PM 6/23/97 -0500, WT9Q wrote:
>Fellow tower talkians,this will be my first attempt at requesting info
>from Tower Talk.I hope someone can help me.I recently aquired a
>large amount of CATV hardline.I need to adapt the hardline to standard
>PL 259 fittings.I have seen articles about this but dont recall where.Has
>anyone fabricated any or are there any manufactured that dont cost a
>bankroll.I will thank you all in advance and look forward to seeing what
>all the answers to my question might bring me.
>73 de WT9Q--Bob
If it's 75-ohm, 3/4" aluminum-jacketed CATV line, there's an easy solution,
told to me by K9UWA. Use copper 1/2" water pipe to 1/2" copper tubing
adaptors and Amphenol (other brands won't work) barrel connectors.
Disassemble the barrel connector (by popping out the snap-ring) and solder
the center conductor to the center conductor of the hardline. Solder the
shell of the barrel connector inside the 1/2" copper tubing end of the
plumbing adaptor, with the non-snap-ring end out. Place the insulated
insert back inside the barrel. Then screw the other end of the adaptor (the
water pipe end, which has threads) onto the aluminum jacket of the
hardline, guiding the center conductor back into place in the insulated
insert (you'll have to fiddle around to get the length of the center
conductor and jacket of the hardline in the correct relationship to one
another). Use Noalox on the adaptor threads, both as a lubricant and to
ensure a good connnection. Tape over the adaptor-to-hardline jacket joint.
The resulting connector is mechanically sound, electrically fine, and
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
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